Moving to make room This large, two-story house made news in Berne, Ind., on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, when it was lifted from its foundation at the corner of Water and Harrison streets and moved several blocks to an empty lot on North Sprunger Street in Berne. Merkle Heavy Moving Inc. of Ohio City, Ohio, orchestrated and executed the move, designed to make room at the intersection of state Route 218 and U.S. 27 for future construction of the Berne Community Development Corporation's Muensterberg Plaza and clock tower project. The project is in its final fundraising phase, with more than $2 million dollars pledged toward the $2,600,000 project. The Muensterberg Plaza and clock tower project is in its final fundraising phase. With more than $2 million already pledged, the steering committee expects to secure the remaining $600,000 through a match fundraiser in which every dollar given will generate a dollar match- up to a given point. To date, more than 250 donors have made pledges in a campaign that began nearly three years ago. Since that time, donors have faithfully honored their pledges and contributed toward the project. "People have paid their pledges," said David Baumgartner, CDC president, "and now we're looking forward to building on those three year commitments by seeking out new donors and asking existing donors to consider extending their pledges in a matching fund drive. We know that many of these initial contributors will join in this final push." Past and present Berne residents have supported the effort, and the all-volunteer fundraising committee is still working to contact possible donors. The final dollar-for-dollar match fundraiser promises to take donations over the top in meeting the projected goal. "We are really pleased that so many people have supported this unique effort," said clock tower co-chairman Jim Beitler. "Our task isn't quite complete, but we are confident that through this final matching funds push, people will give and we will reach our goal." Back to list of news articles |